PXE booting Windows XP Installation
For pxe server setup you can refer my previous post.
Enabling rpmforge repository
#cd /root
#wget http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
#rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
#yum install cabextract -y
#yum install tftp-server tftp samba -y
Mount XP CD image (I am using XP with Service Pack 3) and copy i386 folder to the directory from where you are going to start the installation
#mkdir /mnt/iso
#mount xpsp3.iso /mnt/iso
#mkdir /tftpboot/winxp/i386/ -p
#cd /mnt/iso/i386
#cp -av * /tftpboot/winxp/i386/
Also copy drivers to i386 folder. I have collected some drives you have to download & copy them to i386 folder
#cd /root
#wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/bootfloppy/pxefiles.tar.gz?use_mirror=space
#tar zxvf pxefiles.tar.gz
#cd pxefiles/drivers
#cp * /tftpboot/winxp/i386/
#cd /tftpboot/winxp/i386/
#cabextract driver.cab
Creating file of windows for pxe boot
#cd /tftpboot/winxp
#cabextract /tftpboot/winxp/i386/startrom.n1_
#sed -i -e 's/NTLDR/XPLDR/gi' startrom.n12
#mv startrom.n12 winxp.0
#cabextract /tftpboot/winxp/i386/setupldr.ex_
#sed -i -e 's/winnt\.sif/winxp\.sif/gi' setupldr.exe
#sed -i -e 's/ntdetect\.com/ntdetect\.wxp/gi' setupldr.exe
#mv setupldr.exe xpldr
#cp /tftpboot/winxp/i386/ntdetect.com ntdetect.wxp
Changing the file name case if they are in uppercase
#cd /tftpboot/winxp/i386/
#ls | awk '$0!=tolower($0){printf "mv \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",$0,tolower($0)}' | sh
Creating samba share
Add this to your existing or new /etc/samba/smb.conf
#vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
[Global] workgroup = WORKGROUP [ris] path = /tftpboot browsable = true read only = yes writable = no guest ok = yes#chkconfig --level 35 smb on
#service smb restart
Creating Response file
#cd /tftpboot/winxp
#vi winxp.sif
[data] floppyless = "1" msdosinitiated = "1" ; Needed for second stage OriSrc = "\\SAMBA_SERVER_IP\ris\winxp\i386" OriTyp = "4" LocalSourceOnCD = 1 DisableAdminAccountOnDomainJoin = 1 [SetupData] OsLoadOptions = "/fastdetect" ; Needed for first stage SetupSourceDevice = "\Device\LanmanRedirector\SAMBA_SERVER_IP\ris\winxp" [UserData] ComputerName = *Create or modify PXE boot menu list
#vi /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
LABEL XP kernel winxp/winxp.0Creating tftp remap file
#vi /tftpboot/tftpd.remap
ri ^[az]: # Remove “drive letters” rg \\ / # Convert backslashes to slashes rg \# @ # Convert hash marks to @ signs rg /../ /..no../ # Convert /../ to /..no../ rg A a rg B b rg C c rg D d rg E e rg F f rg G g rg H h rg I i rg J j rg K k rg L l rg M m rg N n rg O o rg P p rg Q q rg R r rg S s rg T t rg U u rg V v rg W w rg X x rg Y y rg Z z r ^/(.*) \1 r ^xpldr winxp/xpldr r ^ntdetect.wxp winxp/ntdetect.wxp r ^winxp.sif winxp/winxp.sifChanges in tftp deamon to run tftp remap file
#vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
server_args = -m /tftpboot/tftpd.remap -s -v -v -v -v /tftpbootRunning binl server so that client machine can take needed network drivers
#cp /root/pxefiles/script/binlsrv.py /tftpboot/winxp/
#cp /root/pxefiles/script/infparser.py /tftpboot/winxp/
#cd /tftpboot/winxp/
#/tftpboot/winxp/infparser.py /tftpboot/winxp/i386
#nohup /tftpboot/winxp/binlsrv.py &
Labels: pxe boot, pxe boot windows, pxe boot windows xp, pxe booting xp installation, Windows, xp