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Monday, May 31, 2010

Installing HandBrake on Fedora13

Due to some reason Fedora12-HandBrake rpm is not working in Fedora13. So I decided to build the application from source.
Before doing this you must uninstall any previous version of HandBrake.
#rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep HandBrake` 

Installing Dependencies:
#yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools" "Development Libraries" "X Software Development" "GNOME Software Development"
#yum install -y yasm zlib-devel bzip2-devel dbus-glib-devel libgudev1-devel webkitgtk-devel libnotify-devel gstreamer-devel gstreamer-plugins-base-devel

Downloading source code from svn
#mkdir /tmp/vidyadhar
#cd /tmp/vidyadhar
#svn checkout svn:// hb-trunk

Installing HandBarke from source
#cd /tmp/vidyadhar/hb-trunk
#cd build
#make install

Now we are ready to run application

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Downloading website for offline use with wget

Wget is a computer program that retrieves content from web servers, and is part of the GNU Project. Its name is derived from World Wide Web and get, connotative of its primary function. One of its best feature is recursive download, conversion of links for offline viewing of local HTML, support for proxies, and much more.
So I decided to download a website for offline use from wget. Here we are downloading a my website to tmp folder

#mkdir /tmp/vidyadhar
#cd /tmp/vidyadhar
#/usr/bin/wget -r -Nc -mk

Options explanation

-r  Turn on recursive retrieving
-N  Turn on time-stamping
-m  Create a mirror
-k  Convert the links

Download time depends on the website contents.

All the content will get fetch in /tmp/vidyadhar/ directory.
For more options use "man wget"
P.S. Don't use this for illegal purpose.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Creating Video DVD's in Linux

Here is the guide to convert video dvd in Fedora 12 which can be playable on DVD players. I am using DeVeDe for the same.
DeVeDe is a program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD), suitables for home players, from any number of video files, in any of the formats supported by Mplayer. The big advantage over other utilites is that it only needs Mplayer, Mencoder, DVDAuthor, VCDImager and MKisofs (well, and Python, PyGTK and PyGlade), so its dependencies are really small.

Installing DeVeDe on your system:
#cd /usr/local/src
#tar jxvf devede-3.16.8.tar.bz2
#cd devede-3.16.8

Now just start the DeVeDe programme from the gnome pane, Application > Sound & Video > DeVeDe DVD/CD Video Creator
If there is any dependencies error DeVeDe will not start. To resolve this just install the dependencies via yum

#yum install -y dvdauthor vcdimager spumux

Now you can able to convert your video file into DVD format. 
Start the DeVeDe programe

Choose Video DVD option.
Add your files and just click on forward button.
Now choose whether you want to actually burn the project on DVD or just want to create a DVD image.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Convert video files for an iPod or iPhone

We have installed banshee on fedora. Its time to convert videos which can playable on your iPOD or iPAD. I am using handbrake for the same.

HandBrake is an open soure, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video trans-coder, available for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.

Features :
  • Convert videos direct from DVD
  • Convert videos from most multimedia files
  • Create videos using a number of pre-defined format templates
  • Supports h264, MPEG-4, Theora, AAC, MP3 and Vorbis
  • Supports subtitles
  • Video filtering tools
To download & install HandBrake on fedora12, just run

#yum install -y desktop-file-utils python yasm automake libtool m4 intltool yasm zlib-devel bzip2-devel glib2-devel gtk2-devel gstreamer-devel hal-devel libnotify-devel webkitgtk-devel gstreamer-plugins-base-devel libmkv-devel libogg-devel libsamplerate-devel libtheora-devel libvorbis-devel faad2-devel lame-devel libmpeg2-devel faac-devel a52dec bzip2 faac faad2 ffmpeg lame libdca libdvdnav libdvdread libmkv libogg libsamplerate libtheora libvorbis libmp4v2 libmpeg2 x264 zlib


#rpm -ivh HandBrake-0.9.4-Fedora_GUI_i686.rpm

To convert videos, run HandBrake from Application > Sound & Video > HandBrake
Select the "Source" and in "Preset menu" select ipod.

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Itune replacement for Linux

Ever since I shifted from Windows to Linux I was missing itunes for uploading my music and videos to my iPOD. I have tried amarok, but fail to upload videos on ipod. Now I am using Banshee.
Banshee is maintained by Aaron Bockover, Alexander Kojevnikov, Bertrand Lorentz, and Gabriel Burt. Over 140 developers, 111 translators, 6 artists, and countless users and volunteers have contributed to Banshee.
The project was started by Aaron in early 2005. It is strongly affiliated with GNOME, using its infrastructure for Git hosting, issue tracking, mailing lists, and IRC.
Supporting operating systems:
opensuse, foresight, ubuntu, fedora, debian, mac os x, madriva
Device Sync:
Sync your music and videos to your Android, iPod, or other device - or import its media

  • Podcasts: Download or stream podcasts and video podcasts
  • Play Queue: Queue up songs, videos, and podcasts, or let the Auto DJ take over
  • Shuffle Modes:Shuffle (or Auto DJ) by artist, album, rating, or even songs' acoustic similarity
  • Album Art: Artwork is automatically fetched as you listen
  • Powerful Search, Smart Playlists: Find exactly what you want, fast
  • Video Support: All the power of Banshee, now for your videos.

Installing banshee is just take 5mins, for installing banshee on Fedora 12
#yum -y install banshee

Just attach your iPOD select banshee from Application > sound & video > banshee and import your videos in it.

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