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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Slideshow maker on Fedora 12

Hi Guys. From last two months I am using Fedora 12 as my primary os. I want to create a slideshow which i can able to covert in DVD. I just did google and found Slide 2 Video.
"Slide 2 Video" create DVD-compatible slideshow video, flash video, or just plain vanilla MPEG video from still images. Includes a graphical user interface for assembling slides in a timeline fashion, manipulating transitions, and adding title slides and a soundtrack.



Download it from here.

Installation steps

#cd /usr/local/src
#tar zxvf Jslideshow-bytecode0.8.tar.gz
#tar zxvf Jslideshow0.8.tar.gz
#cp -rf /usr/local/src/Jslideshow/bin /usr/local/src/Jslideshow-bytecode0.8
#cd /usr/local/src/Jslideshow-bytecode0.8

To run the application:

#java -jar /usr/local/src/Jslideshow-bytecode/Jslideshow.jar

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SSH Server on Windows

At my workplace most of the users use windows as their primary operating system. Windows do not have any inbuilt ssh server. Basic idea behind ssh server on windows is I can transfer files from my Linux box to user's windows box without taking much efforts.

For the same I found MobiSSH. MobaSSH allows you to run commands and transfer files on a remote Windows PC from any operating system (GNU/Linux, Unix, HP-UX, AIX, Windows, ...) through a fully secured and encrypted network connection. MobaSSH is 100% compatible with the Linux/Unix/HPUx/AIX SSH clients, but also with Putty or WinSCP on Windows.

It is very easy to install and setup.
Download it from here.

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